Source code for digcommpy.simulations

import logging
import time
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import product

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

from .modulators import IdentityModulator
from .demodulators import IdentityDemodulator
from .messages import generate_data, unpack_to_bits, pack_to_dec, _generate_data_generator

[docs]def create_simulation_var_combinations(sim_var_params): """Generate a simulation variable dictionary for a CustomSimulation Parameters ---------- sim_var_params : dict Dict containing the different variable names as keys and their values as values in a list. Returns ------- sim_var : list List of all different simulation parameters. """ sim_var = [] for _val_tuple in product(*sim_var_params.values()): sim_var.append({k: v for k, v in zip(sim_var_params.keys(), _val_tuple)}) return sim_var
[docs]def single_simulation(encoder, decoder, channel, modulator=IdentityModulator, demodulator=IdentityDemodulator, metric=['ber', 'bler'], test_size=1e6, batch_size=50000, test_data_generator=None, seed=None): """Run a single simulation with fixed parameters. Parameters ---------- encoder : Encoder Encoder instance which is used for encoding messages. decoder : Decoder Decoder instance which is used for decoding messages. channel : Channel Channel instance which is used for corrupting the transmitted messages. modulator : Modulator, optional Modulator instance which is used for modulating the codewords before transmission. The default is no modulation. demodulator : Demodulator, optional Demodulator instance which is used for demodulating the channel output before decoding. The default is no demodulation. metric : list, optional List of metrics which are calculated and returned. test_size : int, optional Number of messages to be tested. batch_size : int, optional The number of messages which are processed within one batch. Increasing this number may cause memory issues. test_data_generator : generator, optional Provide a generator instance which return the test data. Overwrites the test_size and batch_size keyword. seed : int, optional Seed which is used for the test_data_generator. If None, a random one, will be used. Returns ------- results : dict Dict containing all simulation results. The keys are the metrics and the values are the corresponding metric value. """ code_length = encoder.code_length info_length = encoder.info_length random_length = encoder.random_length errors = {k: 0 for k in metric} if test_data_generator is None: test_size = int(test_size) test_data_generator = _generate_data_generator( batch_size=batch_size, info_length=info_length+random_length, number=test_size, seed=seed) for tx_messages in test_data_generator: tx_messages_bit = unpack_to_bits(tx_messages, info_length+random_length) tx_codewords = encoder.encode_messages(tx_messages_bit) tx_modulated = modulator.modulate_symbols(tx_codewords) rx_modulated = channel.transmit_data(tx_modulated) rx_codewords = demodulator.demodulate_symbols(rx_modulated) rx_messages_bit = decoder.decode_messages(rx_codewords, channel) tx_messages_bit = tx_messages_bit[:, :info_length] tx_messages = pack_to_dec(tx_messages_bit) if 'ber' in metric: errors['ber'] += np.count_nonzero(tx_messages_bit != rx_messages_bit)/info_length if 'bler' in metric: rx_messages = pack_to_dec(rx_messages_bit) errors['bler'] += np.count_nonzero(np.ravel(tx_messages) != np.ravel(rx_messages)) results = {k: v/test_size for k, v in errors.items()} return results
[docs]class ChannelParameterSimulation(object): """Generic class for simulations with different channel parameters. Use this class for common simulations like SNR-BER simulations. The code parameters as well as the encoder and decoder are held constant and only the channel parameters are kept constant. Parameters ---------- encoder : Encoder Encoder object used for encoding messages. decoder : Decoder Decoder object used for decoding the demodulator output. channel : Channel Channel object used to corrupt the transmitted symbols with noise modulator : Modulator, optional Modulator object used to modulate the codewords before transmitting. Default is to use no modulation. demodulator : Demodulator, optional Demodulator object used to demodulate the channel output before trying to decode it. Default is to use no demodulation. logger : logging.Logger, optional Logger object which is used to log information about the simulation. """ def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, channel, modulator=IdentityModulator, demodulator=IdentityDemodulator, logger=None): self.encoder = encoder self.modulator = modulator = channel self.demodulator = demodulator self.decoder = decoder self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger('dummy')
[docs] def simulate(self, test_params, test_size=1e6, metric=['bler', 'ber'], batch_size=50000): """Run a simulation with provided options. Parameters ---------- test_params : list List of simulation variables. test_size : int, optional Number of test messages. metric : list (str), optional List of metrics that are calculated. Possible choices are "ber" for the bit error rate and "bler" for the block error rate. batch_size : int, optional Size of the test batches. Returns ------- results : dict Dict including all the results (metrics) for the evaluated simulation variables. """ code_length = self.encoder.code_length info_length = self.encoder.info_length test_size = int(test_size) test_data_generator = _generate_data_generator(batch_size=batch_size, number=test_size, info_length=info_length) results = {c: {k: 0 for k in metric} for c in test_params} for tx_messages in test_data_generator: tx_messages_bit = unpack_to_bits(tx_messages, info_length) tx_codewords = self.encoder.encode_messages(tx_messages_bit) tx_modulated = self.modulator.modulate_symbols(tx_codewords) for channel_params in test_params: rx_modulated = rx_codewords = self.demodulator.demodulate_symbols(rx_modulated) rx_messages_bit = self.decoder.decode_messages(rx_codewords, if 'ber' in metric: results[channel_params]['ber'] += np.count_nonzero(tx_messages_bit != rx_messages_bit)/info_length if 'bler' in metric: rx_messages = pack_to_dec(rx_messages_bit) results[channel_params]['bler'] += np.count_nonzero(np.ravel(tx_messages) != np.ravel(rx_messages)) results = {c: {k: v/test_size for k, v in errors.items()} for c, errors in results.items()} return results
[docs]class CustomSimulation(object): """Fully customizable tranmission simulation. Parameters ---------- encoder : Encoder Class object of Encoder like class decoder : Decoder Class object of Decoder like class channel : Channel Class object of Channel like class modulator : Modulator, optional Class object of Modulator like class demodulator : Demodulator, optional Class object of Demodulator like class logger : Logger, optional Logger object from logging package """ def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, channel, modulator=IdentityModulator, demodulator=IdentityDemodulator, logger=None): self.encoder = encoder self.modulator = modulator = channel self.demodulator = demodulator self.decoder = decoder self.logger = self._create_logger() if logger is None else logger def _create_logger(self): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) _log_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) log_date = datetime.strftime(_log_date, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") # Only log results (INFO) and WARN/ERR in file fh = logging.FileHandler('{}.dat'.format(log_date)) fh.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Stream shows everything ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_form = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') #.500s for truncating str con_form = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)8s - %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(file_form) ch.setFormatter(con_form) logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch) return logger#, log_date @staticmethod def _default_empty_if_none(x): return {} if x is None else x
[docs] def simulate(self, simulation_parameters, channel_options, enc_opt=None, dec_opt=None, mod_opt=None, demod_opt=None, training_opt=None, **kwargs): enc_opt = self._default_empty_if_none(enc_opt) dec_opt = self._default_empty_if_none(dec_opt) mod_opt = self._default_empty_if_none(mod_opt) demod_opt = self._default_empty_if_none(demod_opt){k: v for k, v in dec_opt.items() if k != "training_data"}) self.logger.debug("Start simulation...") results = {} for idx, parameters in enumerate(simulation_parameters):"{}|{}".format(idx, parameters)) _key = tuple([(k, v) for k, v in parameters.items()]) results[_key] = {} self.logger.debug("Creating encoder...") encoder = self.encoder(**{**enc_opt, **parameters}) modulator = self.modulator(**{**mod_opt, **parameters}) demodulator = self.demodulator(**{**demod_opt, **parameters}) self.logger.debug("Creating decoder...") decoder = self.decoder(**{**dec_opt, **parameters}) if training_opt is not None: self.logger.debug("Start training...") decoder.train_system((encoder, modulator), **training_opt) self.logger.debug("...Training finished") for _channel_options in channel_options: try: _channel_options = tuple(_channel_options) except TypeError: _channel_options = (_channel_options,) channel =*_channel_options) results[_key][_channel_options] = single_simulation( encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder, modulator=modulator, demodulator=demodulator, channel=channel, **kwargs) self.logger.debug("{}: {}".format(_channel_options, results[_key][_channel_options]))[_key]) return results
[docs]class HyperparameterSearchDecoderSimulation(object): """Class for a hyperparameter grid search for a machine learning decoder. The system is assumed to have a constant encoder, modulator and demodulator. The hyperparameters of the decoder system will be adjusted and tested for different channel parameters. Parameters ---------- encoder : encoders.Encoder Encoder object which will be used to generate the codewords. decoder_class : decoders.MachineLearningDecoder <class> Decoder class which will be instantiated with the `decoder_variables`. channel_class : channels.Channel <class> Channel class which will be instantiated with the `channel_variables`. decoder_variables : dict Dict containing the hyperparameters of the decoder to be varied. The dict will be used to create a grid of all possible combinations. channel_variables : dict Dict containing the parameters of the channel to be varied for each evaluation. The dict will be used to create a grid of all possible combinations. modulator : modulators.Modulator, optional Modulator object which will be used to modulate the codewords. demodulator : demodulators.Demodulator, optional Demodulator object which will be used to demodulate the codewords. logger : logging.Logger, optional Logger object which is used for the simulation output. If None, a default one will be used. """ def __init__(self, encoder, decoder_class, channel_class, decoder_variables, channel_variables, modulator=IdentityModulator, demodulator=IdentityDemodulator, logger=None): self.encoder = encoder self.decoder_class = decoder_class self.channel_class = channel_class self.modulator = modulator self.demodulator = demodulator self.dec_var = create_simulation_var_combinations(decoder_variables) self.channel_var = create_simulation_var_combinations(channel_variables) self.logger = self.create_logger() if logger is None else logger
[docs] @staticmethod def create_logger(filename=None): #logger = logging.getLogger(name="hyperparameter_simulation-{}".format(np.random.randint(0, 1000))) logger = logging.getLogger(name=filename) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if filename is None: filename = datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") fh = logging.FileHandler('{}.dat'.format(filename)) fh.setLevel(logging.INFO) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_form = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') #.500s for truncating str con_form = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - [%(levelname)8s]: %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(file_form) ch.setFormatter(con_form) logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch) return logger#, log_date
[docs] def start_simulation(self, test_size=1000, metric=['ber', 'bler'], training_options=None, seed=None): """Start the full simulation with all possible settings. Parameters ---------- test_size : int, optional Number of test messages for evaluation. metric : list, optional List of metrics that should be calculated. Valid choices are `ber` and `bler`. training_options : dict, optional Keyword arguments, which are passed to MachineLearningDecoder.train_system. seed : int, optional Seed for initializing the test set. This is only used for the data generation of the test messages. If None, a random seed will be used. Returns ------- simulation_results : list List of simulation results. Each element is a tuple of the evaluated hyperparameters and the simulation results. """ if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(0, 1000) if training_options is None: training_options = {} self.logger.debug("Starting simulation") code_length = self.encoder.code_length info_length = self.encoder.info_length random_length = self.encoder.random_length constants = {'code_length': code_length, 'info_length': info_length, 'random_length': random_length, 'test_size': test_size, 'seed': seed, 'training_options': training_options} constant_elems = {'encoder': repr(self.encoder), 'decoder': repr(self.decoder_class), 'channel': repr(self.channel_class), 'modulator': repr(self.modulator), 'demodulator': repr(self.demodulator), } self.logger.debug("Constant simulation parameters:"){**constants, **constant_elems}) self.logger.debug("Creating training set...") train_info, train_code = self.encoder.generate_codebook() train_code = self.modulator.modulate_symbols(train_code) simulation_results = [] for hyperparams in self.dec_var: self.logger.debug("Starting evaluation of hyperparameters:") _decoder = self.decoder_class(code_length, info_length, **hyperparams) self.logger.debug("Starting training of the decoder...") _decoder.train_system((train_code, train_info), **training_options) results = {} for channel_opt in self.channel_var: self.logger.debug("Evaluating with channel parameters: %s", channel_opt) _channel = self.channel_class(**channel_opt) _results = single_simulation(self.encoder, _decoder, _channel, self.modulator, self.demodulator, metric, test_size, seed=seed) self.logger.debug("Results: %s", _results) _key = tuple([(k, v) for k, v in channel_opt.items()]) results[_key] = _results self.logger.debug("Results for hyperparameter combination:") simulation_results.append((hyperparams, results)) return simulation_results