Source code for digcommpy.encoders

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed, cpu_count

from .information_theory import get_info_length
from .channels import Channel
from .messages import generate_data, pack_to_dec
from .parsers import read_codebook_file

def _logdomain_diff(x, y):
    #Copied from Matlab package
    return x + np.log1p(-np.exp(y-x))

[docs]class Encoder(ABC): """Abstract encoder class""" def __init__(self, code_length, info_length, random_length=0, base=2, parallel=True, **kwargs): self.code_length = code_length self.info_length = info_length self.random_length = random_length self.base = base self.parallel = parallel
[docs] @abstractmethod def encode_messages(self, messages): pass
[docs] def generate_codebook(self): all_messages = generate_data(self.info_length, binary=True) all_codewords = self.encode_messages(all_messages) return all_messages, all_codewords
[docs]class IdentityEncoder(Encoder):
[docs] @staticmethod def encode_messages(messages): return messages
[docs]class CodebookEncoder(Encoder): """Generic Encoder class for arbitrary codebooks. This encoder allows encoding messages using a codebook as lookup table. Any mapping between messages and codewords may be used. Parameters ---------- codebook : tuple or dict or str The mapping between messages and codewords. Either as a tuple of arrays (messages, codewords) where the rows correspond to each other, or as dict where the keys are the messages as integers, or as a path to a file containing a codebook. wiretap : bool, optional Set True if the code is a wiretap code. random_length : int, optional Number of random bits, if the code is a wiretap code. This is ignored, if wiretap is False. """ def __init__(self, code_length, info_length, codebook, wiretap=False, random_length=0, **kwargs): self.wiretap = wiretap self.codebook, _code_info = self._create_codebook(codebook, wiretap) if 'code_length' in _code_info: code_length = _code_info['code_length'] if 'info_length' in _code_info: info_length = _code_info['info_length'] if wiretap: if 'random_length' in _code_info: random_length = _code_info['random_length'] super().__init__(code_length, info_length, random_length=random_length, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _create_codebook(codebook, wiretap=False): if isinstance(codebook, dict): code_info = {} elif isinstance(codebook, (tuple, list)): messages, codewords = codebook messages = pack_to_dec(messages) codebook = {k[0]: v for k, v in zip(messages, codewords)} code_info = {} elif isinstance(codebook, str): codebook, code_info = read_codebook_file(codebook, wiretap) else: raise TypeError("The codebook has to be a dict, or list or tuple, " "or path. Got type: {}".format(type(codebook))) return codebook, code_info
[docs] def generate_codebook(self): if not self.wiretap: all_messages, all_codewords = super().generate_codebook() else: all_messages = generate_data(self.info_length+self.random_length, binary=True) all_codewords = self.encode_messages(all_messages) all_messages = all_messages[:, :self.info_length] return all_messages, all_codewords
[docs] def encode_messages(self, messages): messages = pack_to_dec(messages) messages = np.ravel(messages) if self.parallel: num_cores = cpu_count() code_words = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)( delayed(self.codebook.get)(k) for k in messages) code_words = np.array(code_words) else: code_words = np.zeros((len(messages), self.code_length)) for idx, message in enumerate(messages): code_words[idx] = self.codebook.get(message) return code_words
[docs]class RepetitionEncoder(Encoder): def __init__(self, code_length, **kwargs): super().__init__(code_length, info_length=1)
[docs] def encode_messages(self, messages): messages = np.reshape(messages, (-1, 1)) messages = np.repeat(messages, self.code_length, axis=1) return messages
[docs]class LinearEncoder(Encoder): """Linear block encoder. Parameters ---------- code_matrix : array Code generation matrix. Dimension is (info_bits, code_length). base : int, optional Base of the field. Default is binary (2). """ def __init__(self, code_matrix, base=2, **kwargs): self.code_matrix = code_matrix info_length, code_length = np.shape(code_matrix) super().__init__(code_length, info_length, base=base)
[docs] def encode_messages(self, messages): codewords = np.matmul(messages, self.code_matrix) return np.mod(codewords, self.base)
[docs]class PolarEncoder(Encoder): """Polar code encoder. The implementation is copied from the Matlab implementation from Parameters ---------- code_length : int Length of the codewords. info_length : int Number of information bits. design_channel : str or Channel object Design channel name or channel object. Supported are: `AWGN`, `BEC` and `BSC`. design_channelstate: float (optional) State of the design channel. AWGN: SNR, BEC: epsilon, BSC: p. frozenbits : array (optional) Array of frozen bits. If not given, all zeros will be used. parallel : bool (optional) Use parallel encoding of the codewords. This might not be supported on all machines. """ def __init__(self, code_length, info_length, design_channel, design_channelstate=0., frozenbits=None, parallel=True, **kwargs): if isinstance(design_channel, Channel): channel_name = design_channelstate = design_channel.get_channelstate() else: channel_name = design_channel self.design_channel = channel_name self.design_channelstate = design_channelstate self.frozenbits = frozenbits self.pos_lookup = self.construct_polar_code( code_length, info_length, design_channel, design_channelstate, frozenbits) super().__init__(code_length, info_length, parallel=parallel)
[docs] @staticmethod def construct_polar_code(code_length, info_length, design_channel, design_channelstate, frozenbits=None): if isinstance(design_channel, Channel): channel_name = design_channelstate = design_channel.get_channelstate() else: channel_name = design_channel.upper() z0 = np.zeros(code_length) if channel_name == "BAWGN": param = 10**(design_channelstate/10.) z0[0] = -param*(info_length/code_length) elif channel_name == "BSC": z0[0] = (np.log(2) + .5*np.log(design_channelstate) + .5*np.log(1-design_channelstate)) elif channel_name == "BEC": z0[0] = np.log(design_channelstate) for j in range(1, int(np.log2(code_length))+1): u = 2**j for t in range(int(u/2)): T = z0[t] z0[t] = _logdomain_diff(np.log(2)+T, 2*T) z0[int(u/2)+t] = 2*T idx = np.argsort(z0) idx_good = np.sort(idx[:info_length]) idx_bad = np.sort(idx[info_length:]) A = np.zeros(code_length, dtype=int) A[idx_good] = -1 # information bits if frozenbits is None: frozenbits = np.zeros(code_length-info_length) A[idx_bad] = frozenbits return A
[docs] def encode_messages(self, messages): code_words = self._fill_codewords(messages, self.pos_lookup) code_words = self._transform_codewords(code_words) #code_words = np.zeros((len(messages), self.code_length)) #_pos_lookup = np.tile(self.pos_lookup, (len(messages), 1)) #if self.parallel: # num_cores = cpu_count() # code_words = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)( # delayed(self._encode_single_message)( # k, _pos_lookup[idx]) for idx, k in enumerate(messages)) # code_words = np.array(code_words) #else: # for idx, message in enumerate(messages): # code_words[idx] = self._encode_single_message( # message, _pos_lookup[idx]) return code_words
# The following methods are copied from pencode.m file ( def _encode_single_message(self, message, pos_lookup): code_word = self._fill_single_codeword(message, pos_lookup) code_word = self._transform_single_codeword(code_word) return code_word @staticmethod def _fill_single_codeword(message, pos_lookup): #code_length = len(pos_lookup) code_word = np.array(pos_lookup) code_word[code_word == -1] = message return code_word @staticmethod def _transform_single_codeword(code_word): code_length = len(code_word) n = int(np.ceil(np.log2(code_length))) for i in range(n): B = 2**(n-i) nB = 2**(i) for j in range(nB): base = j*B for l in range(int(B/2)): code_word[base+l] = np.mod( code_word[base+l] + code_word[int(base+B/2+l)], 2) return code_word @staticmethod def _fill_codewords(message, pos_lookup): pos_lookup = np.array(pos_lookup, dtype=float) code_words = np.tile(pos_lookup, (len(message), 1)), code_words == -1, message) return code_words @staticmethod def _transform_codewords(code_words): code_length = np.shape(code_words)[1] n = int(np.ceil(np.log2(code_length))) for i in range(n): B = 2**(n-i) nB = 2**(i) for j in range(nB): base = j*B for l in range(int(B/2)): code_words[:, base+l] = np.mod( code_words[:, base+l] + code_words[:, int(base+B/2+l)], 2) return code_words
[docs]class PolarWiretapEncoder(PolarEncoder): """Encoder for polar wiretap codes. It uses [1] for the construction of the codes. [1] H. Mahdavifar and A. Vardy, "Achieving the Secrecy Capacity of Wiretap Channels Using Polar Codes" IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 6428–6443, Oct. 2011. Parameters ---------- code_length : int Length of the code design_channel_bob : str or Channel object Name of the design channel to Bob (main channel) design_channel_eve : str or Channel object Name of the design channel to Eve (wiretap channel) design_channelstate_bob : float, optional Design channelstate of the main channel. It is ignored if the `design_channel_bob` argument is a Channel like object. design_channelstate_eve : float, optional Design chanelstate of the wiretap channel. It is ignored if the `design_channel_eve` argument is a Channel like object. frozenbits : array, optional Array of frozen bits. If not given, all zeros will be used. info_length_bob : int, optional Number of information bits to Bob. If None, the number is calculated based on the main channel's capacity. random_length : int, optional Number of random bits. If None, the number is calculated based on the capacity of the eavesdropper's channel. """ def __init__(self, code_length, design_channel_bob, design_channel_eve, design_channelstate_bob=0, design_channelstate_eve=0, frozenbits=None, info_length_bob=None, random_length=None, parallel=True, **kwargs): self.pos_lookup = self.construct_polar_wiretap_code(code_length, design_channel_bob, design_channel_eve, design_channelstate_bob, design_channelstate_eve, frozenbits, info_length_bob, random_length) info_length = np.count_nonzero(self.pos_lookup == -1) #self.info_length_bob = np.count_nonzero(self.pos_lookup == -2) + info_length self.info_length_bob = np.count_nonzero(self.pos_lookup < 0) random_length = self.info_length_bob - info_length Encoder.__init__(self, code_length, info_length, random_length=random_length, parallel=parallel)
[docs] @staticmethod def construct_polar_wiretap_code(code_length, design_channel_bob, design_channel_eve, design_channelstate_bob, design_channelstate_eve, frozenbits=None, info_length_bob=None, random_length=None): if info_length_bob is None: info_length_bob = get_info_length(code_length, design_channel_bob, design_channelstate_bob) if random_length is None: info_length_eve = get_info_length(code_length, design_channel_eve, design_channelstate_eve) else: info_length_eve = random_length good_bob = PolarEncoder.construct_polar_code(code_length, info_length_bob, design_channel_bob, design_channelstate_bob, frozenbits) good_eve = PolarEncoder.construct_polar_code(code_length, info_length_eve, design_channel_eve, design_channelstate_eve, frozenbits) # info_length_eve, design_channel_bob, design_channelstate_bob, frozenbits) good_bob = np.where(good_bob == -1)[0] good_eve = np.where(good_eve == -1)[0] set_gb = set(good_bob) set_ge = set(good_eve) if not set_ge.issubset(set_gb): raise ValueError("There is something wrong with the sets of good " "and bad positions.") sec_bits = np.setdiff1d(good_bob, good_eve) pos_lookup = np.zeros(code_length) pos_lookup[good_eve] = -2 # random bits pos_lookup[sec_bits] = -1 # secure bits return pos_lookup
@staticmethod def _fill_single_codeword(message, pos_lookup): _num_random = np.count_nonzero(pos_lookup == -2) _num_info = np.count_nonzero(pos_lookup == -1) if len(message) == np.count_nonzero(pos_lookup < 0): message, random_bits = message[:_num_info], message[_num_info:] #message, random_bits = message[-_num_info:], message[:-_num_info] else: random_bits = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=_num_random) code_word = PolarEncoder._fill_single_codeword(message, pos_lookup) code_word[code_word == -2] = random_bits return code_word @staticmethod def _fill_codewords(message, pos_lookup): _num_random = np.count_nonzero(pos_lookup == -2) _num_info = np.count_nonzero(pos_lookup == -1) if np.shape(message)[1] == np.count_nonzero(pos_lookup < 0): message, random_bits = message[:, :_num_info], message[:, _num_info:] #message, random_bits = message[-_num_info:], message[:-_num_info] else: random_bits = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(len(message), _num_random)) code_words = PolarEncoder._fill_codewords(message, pos_lookup), code_words == -2, random_bits) return code_words
[docs] def generate_codebook(self, return_random=False): all_combinations = generate_data(self.info_length_bob, binary=True) all_codewords = self.encode_messages(all_combinations) all_messages = all_combinations[:, :self.info_length] if return_random: all_random = all_combinations[:, self.info_length:] return all_messages, all_codewords, all_random return all_messages, all_codewords