Source code for digcommpy.information_theory

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal, rv_continuous
from scipy.special import logsumexp

from . import channels

[docs]def get_info_length(code_length, channel, channelstate): rate = channel_capacity(channel, channelstate) info_length = int(np.floor(code_length*rate)) return info_length
[docs]def channel_capacity(channel, channelstate=None): if isinstance(channel, channels.Channel): capacity = channel.capacity() elif channel == "BAWGN": capacity = _capacity_bawgn(channelstate) elif channel == "BSC": capacity = channels.BscChannel(channelstate).capacity() else: raise NotImplementedError("Could not calculate the capacity for " "channel: %s", channel) return capacity
def _phi(x, sigsq): return 1./(np.sqrt(8*np.pi*sigsq)) * (np.exp(-(x-1)**2/(2*sigsq))+np.exp(-(x+1)**2/(2*sigsq))) def _integrand(x, sigsq): return _phi(x, sigsq)*np.log2(_phi(x, sigsq)) def _capacity_bawgn(snr): sigsq = 1./(10**(snr/10.)) #integral = integrate.quad(lambda x: _integrand(x, sigsq), -np.inf, np.inf) x = np.linspace(-1-10*np.sqrt(sigsq), 1+10*np.sqrt(sigsq), num=4000) y = _integrand(x, sigsq) integral = np.trapz(y, x) capacity = -integral - .5*np.log2(2*np.pi*np.e*sigsq) return capacity
[docs]def entropy(prob): """Calculate the Shannon entropy of a discrete random variable. Parameters ---------- prob : list (float) List of probabilities of the random variable. Returns ------- entr : float Entropy in bits. """ if not sum(prob) == 1: raise ValueError("The probabilities have to sum up to one") prob = np.array(prob) prob = prob[prob != 0] entr = -np.sum(prob * np.log2(prob)) return entr
[docs]def binary_entropy(prob): """Calculate the Shannon entropy of a binary random variable. Parameters ---------- prob : float Probability of one event. Returns ------- entr : float Entropy in bits. """ if prob == 0 or prob == 1: return 0. else: return -prob*np.log2(prob)-(1.-prob)*np.log2(1.-prob)
[docs]def entropy_gauss_mix_lower(mu, sig, weights=None, alpha=.5): """Calculate a lower bound of the differential entropy of a Gaussian mixture. Calculate a lower bound of the differential entropy of a Gaussian mixture using the Chernoff alpha-divergence as distance (alpha=.5 for Bhattacharyya distance) according to (Kolchinsky et al, 2017) (arXiv: 1706.02419). Parameters ---------- mu : array Array containing the different means of the Gaussian mixture components. The shape is (num_components, dimensions). sig : array Covariance matrix of the components. It is the same for all components. If a float is provided, it is assumed as the noise variance for a scaled identity matrix as the covariance matrix. weights : list, optional Weights/probabilities of the individual mixture components. If None, a uniform distribution is used. alpha : float, optional Value used for the alpha-divergence. Default is 0.5 which uses the Bhattacharyya distance. Returns ------- lower_bound_entropy : float Lower bound on the differential entropy of the Gaussian mixture. """ if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(mu), dtype=float)/len(mu) dim = np.shape(mu)[1] if isinstance(sig, (float, int)): sig = sig*np.eye(dim) outer_sum = 0 for idx_i, c_i in enumerate(weights): inner_sum = 0 for idx_j, c_j in enumerate(weights): _sig_alpha = 1./(alpha*(1-alpha))*np.array(sig) _pdf_j_alpha = multivariate_normal.pdf(mu[idx_i], mean=mu[idx_j], cov=_sig_alpha, allow_singular=True) inner_sum += c_j*_pdf_j_alpha outer_sum += c_i*np.log(inner_sum) entropy_alpha = dim/2 + dim/2*np.log(alpha*(1-alpha)) - outer_sum return entropy_alpha
[docs]def entropy_gauss_mix_upper(mu, sig, weights=None): """Calculate an upper bound of the differential entropy of a Gaussian mixture. Calculate an upper bound of the differential entropy of Gaussian mixture using the KL-divergence as distance according to (Kolchinsky et al, 2017) (arXiv: 1706.02419). Parameters ---------- mu : array Array containing the different means of the Gaussian mixture components. The shape is (num_components, dimensions). sig : array or float Covariance matrix of the components. It is the same for all components. If a float is provided, it is assumed as the noise variance for a scaled identity matrix as the covariance matrix. weights : list, optional Weights/probabilities of the individual mixture components. If None, a uniform distribution is used. Returns ------- upper_bound_entropy : float Upper bound on the differential entropy of the Gaussian mixture. """ if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(mu), dtype=float)/len(mu) dim = np.shape(mu)[1] if isinstance(sig, (float, int)): sig = sig*np.eye(dim) outer_sum = 0 for idx_i, c_i in enumerate(weights): inner_sum = 0 for idx_j, c_j in enumerate(weights): _pdf_j = multivariate_normal.pdf(mu[idx_i], mean=mu[idx_j], cov=sig, allow_singular=True) inner_sum += c_j*_pdf_j outer_sum += c_i*np.log(inner_sum) entropy_kl = dim/2 - outer_sum return entropy_kl
[docs]class GaussianMixtureRv(object): # TODO: Change to support scipy rv interface """Gaussian mixture random variable. This class allows building Gaussian mixture random variables, where all components have the same covariance matrix. Parameters ---------- mu : array List of the means of the individual Gaussian components. The shape therefore is (num_components, dimension). sigma : array or float, optional Covariance matrix. If only a float is provided, it is used for a scaled identity matrix as covariance matrix. weights : list, optional Weights/probabilities of the individual components. If None, a uniform distribution is used. """ def __init__(self, mu, sigma=1., weights=None):#, *args, **kwargs): = np.array(mu) self.sigma = sigma*np.eye(np.shape(mu)[1]) if isinstance(sigma, (float, int)) else np.array(sigma) self.weights = np.ones(len(mu))/len(mu) if weights is None else np.array(weights) #super(GaussianMixtureRv, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __len__(self): return len(
[docs] def dim(self): """Return the dimension of the distribution Returns ------- dimension : int Dimension of the distribution. """ return np.shape([1]
[docs] def logpdf(self, x): _logpdf = [np.log(_w) + multivariate_normal.logpdf( x, mean=_m, cov=self.sigma, allow_singular=True) for _w, _m in zip(self.weights,] return logsumexp(_logpdf, axis=0)
[docs] def pdf(self, x): _pdf = [_w*multivariate_normal.pdf(x, mean=_m, cov=self.sigma, allow_singular=True) for _w, _m in zip(self.weights,] return sum(_pdf)
[docs] def rvs(self, N=1, return_components=False): num_comps = len( components = np.random.choice(range(num_comps), N, p=self.weights) if num_comps < N: x = np.empty((num_comps, N, self.dim())) for idx, _mu in enumerate( x[idx] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=_mu, cov=self.sigma) #components = np.random.randint(0, num_comps, N) x = x[components, range(N), :] else: x = np.empty((N, self.dim())) for row, _component in enumerate(components): #_component = np.random.choice(range(num_comps), p=self.weights) _mu =[_component] x[row] = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean=_mu, cov=self.sigma) if return_components: return x, components else: return x